Saturday, August 22, 2015

Gen Con 2015

I really enjoyed going to Gen Con 2014 with my old friend Rob and his friends, so I was excited to go again this year.

This year I was just there for two days and spent most of the time gaming. Here are Rob, Karen, Buck, and Lou playing, with one of our fantastic DMs, Gary. (Here's a 360 degree pano.) My lothario Warlock Aleister made it from level 2 to level 4, and his CHA went from 16 to 18, so he’s now +4 to sweet talking.

I did see some of the rest of the convention. Some Jedi were having it out, picture below, and I saw a surprisingly credible Daenerys Targaryen, but I wasn't quick enough to get the Khaleesi's picture.

I saw a few nerd-famous folks - Wil Wheaton was at my baggage claim. And, Mike Schley and Jared Blando signed their maps in my books.